Heart Health Screening @ KW on February 8
King’s Way is excited to announce that we will be offering a FREE health screening day at our school on Friday, February 8th, for all students ages 12-18. Students must be 12 years old by February 8 to participate. This screening will include a 12-lead EKG (electrocardiogram), height/weight, blood pressure check and scoliosis screening.
Youth typically do not receive an EKG at routine well-child checks or during sports physicals, so this is a unique healthcare opportunity to get a free baseline EKG. These painless, noninvasive cardiac screenings are done by PlaySmart, a program offered by Providence Heart and Vascular Institute. Thanks to these screenings more than 22,000 hearts have been screened in our area over the past 5 years, identifying 7% (over 1,200) youth needing further follow-up and treatment. For more information, please visit their website: www. playsmartgetscreened.org
To sign up please email Nurse@kwcs.org and include completed forms by February 1st.
Forms include:
Agreement to Participate
Health Questionnaire
Scoliosis Consent
All forms must be completed to take advantage of this great opportunity. Our school nurses are available to answer any questions you might have at Nurse@kwcs.org.