Elementary Music
Fine & Performing Arts

I’ve Got the joy-joy-joy-joy
K-4 Music
Students attending King’s Way Elementary in grades K-4 are blessed with a wonderful variety of musical experiences in both their regular and music classroom settings! Our six-day specials schedule provides two periods dedicated to music instruction (40 minutes each for grades 1-4, 30 minutes each for kindergarten) in every six-day rotation. These fun-filled lessons are designed to develop each child’s ability to express him/herself musically through singing, movement/dance, and playing pitched and non-pitched rhythm instruments. Musical games and activities help create confident musicians who are well prepared for successful participation in middle school choirs/bands and beyond. Students are exposed to a multitude of musical styles and genres. The true “heart” of our music curriculum is the abundance of age-appropriate worship songs to motivate and encourage musical praise in personal and corporate worship experiences. We provide parent and community audiences with joyful, uplifting programs and concerts throughout the school year.