King’s Way welcomes Marcus Janzen to the high school leadership team. Marcus will play an active role in engaging students and families in the high school. He has been a student ministry leader, teacher, and principal at Mannahouse Christian Academy for eight years. He received the High School Principal position in 2019. Throughout his candidacy, the leadership team noticed his desire for relationships, passion for worship, and attention to developing a rapport with people. These skillsets have allowed him to teach on the middle and high school level while also teaching on the college level. Marcus had the following to say about being called to King’s Way:
“I am beyond honored to be accepting the position of High School Assistant Principal at King’s Way Christian Schools! I am a calculated risk-taker. Change is never easy, but in my experience, it can lead to incredibly rich life experiences.”
“My wife and I have spent the past season seeking God in regards to direction and placement. I have had an amazing experience at my previous school, but I have been sensing for some time that change was coming. I received an ‘out of the blue’ phone call that led to a series of conversations with King’s Way. It quickly became apparent to my wife and me that God was redirecting me in an unforeseen direction. I have so enjoyed my time connecting with many of the staff and students and am looking forward to becoming part of the team at King’s Way!”
Mr. Janzen has a B.A. in Theology from Portland Bible College and a Master of Education from Concordia University. In addition, he has teaching endorsements in history and music. We are excited to welcome Marcus to King’s Way!